Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Hot Cross Bun Rogue Gallery

I have just made hot cross buns for the first time and have discovered that, although the dough itself is quite straightforward, there is definitely a knack to the cross lattice... The cross mixture is made from flour, water and melted butter which is whisked together then spooned into a piping bag. Then you are let loose on the buns just before baking them. I obviously wasn't ready and I think I made my mixture too thin so I had to be quick... anyway it has created some interesting patterns :-)

'Rustic' would be the kindest way of describing this one

... and this one....

Happy Easter!


  1. They look great and the squiggly ones definitely have character :)

  2. Something very satisfying about the seried rows of buns. I like the off-piste ones too!
